Sunday 18 April 2010

"Chindia" New Paradigm

Some say a new management paradigm is growing in the East. China and India nurture this new business era, and so far, has shown very rewarding. In short the new paradigm is explained by three elements:
1) The consumer is King; entrepreneurs scale out their businesses to reach non-consumers and create products and services personally tailored to the needs and limitation of the poorest.
2) Employs lean and mass production for high end services (e.g. healthcare: Devi Shetty)
3) Use frugal production by cutting cost until you reach the bone.

This new paradigm is cherisher by some as being innovative and mocked by others by being a mere alteration to previous management models as T Ford (Offered in any colour so long as it is black).

This is a debate and people agree to disagree. However, leaving the academia aside, it is facts that show the success of the new paradigm.

“Multinationals expect 70% of the world’s growth over the next few years to come from emerging market, with 40% coming from just two countries, China and India.” The notion of growth is well associated with the East. But the notion of innovation and high class is more distant.

This is where China and India are putting things on their ears. Tata Consultancy Services, an Indian company ranked top 10 in a US based Global Service IT ranking. Lenovo, a Chinese computer company, new in the 90’s, bought IBM personal computer business less than 5 years ago. Today it ranks fourth PC maker in the world.

Many similar cases happened and are happening as we speak. Back to academia, the new paradigm will inevitably change management in the West due to globalisation. The question is: When will the East influence the Rest?

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