Friday 9 April 2010

Conflict with the Google Epidemic

One strategy to resolve a conflict is adaptation. Zhang Yu, two thousand years ago said: “Adaptation means not clinging to fixed methods, but changing appropriately according to events, acting as it suitable”.
China and Google seem to have it all wrong. The Middle Kingdom is fighting to protect its society from American values imposed by Google. The giant search engine is in a battle to shield its integrity: freedom of information.
Google threatened to pull out of the world’s largest Internet market with an estimated 384 million users, if China was incapable to adapt. The answer was from Minister Chen Deming: “You’re not going to get 1.3 billion Chinese to change by insulting them” followed by “In the end; America is the one that needs to adjust”.
The West decided to close down by transferring all data onto, managed in Hong Kong. This short term solution hardly resolves the conflict as China can block at any given time. America is simply targeting the symptom of the conflict rather than the cause.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your post. I feel both sides need to adapt to each other. Google is a western organisation and seems to be forgetting that China has different rules and a different culture to the west.

    I also believe CHina need to adapt. At the end of the day, Google is a search engine which the people of China should be able to use to thier own will.
